dark knight review

The opening night of the dark knight premier was almost if not the same as the opening night of Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. What I mean is there were people dressed just like the mythic world, in Star Wars we had Sith lords, Jedi Knights, and of course Padme.... Much the same way with the Dark Knight I had to stand in line approx 1 hr and 15 min just to get in and luckily found very good seating. There were at least 4 to 5 guys dressed up as Heath Ledger's Joker version in the movie showing some loyalty of course. I also saw a few girls there dressed in the same manner as Poison Ivy and a league of them dressed as the villains, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, and the Riddler and also last but not least Batman & Robin. The moderators even passed out papers titled as the Gotham Times given the movie experience just a bit more realism. After nearly several months of anticipation I finally get to see the movie and I was not disappointed. Although there is some differences I noticed between this movie and the first one Batman Begins, this one at least is shown as a sequel not like Rob Zombie's House of a Thousand Corpses or the Devil's Rejects, two totally separate yet still joined together at the hip movies. Wayne Manor was destroyed in the first one the sequel shows it's still under construction which shows some certain realistic time expansion, also Batman's voice seems more harsher and darker, if you notice in the scene where Joker and Batman are conversing Batman eyes seems to look faraway in the mask and he does seem more darker and more like the night. Heath Ledger takes the Joker approach a much different way slightly different than the comics, something out of the 40's decade in my opinion with the scars and even the makeup but just my opinion, and besides unless you knew it was him it's even hard to tell it is him, his voice is changed his hair and makeup make it very difficult to see him underneath and yet somehow I wished to see more scenes with him in it. I have read it some other blogs that his motivations were not logical, but if anybody knew anything about him, he's not logical it only makes since to his character, some people don't understand that, if you remember the scene with the 2 ferry's he attempts to frighten the people by breaking down the system to see if it brings out the worst just like with Aaron Echart's character Harvey Dent, but yet they still tried to hold a democracy vote which just wouldn't have mattered to begin with, but it shows that some people still have to have some amount of order and some civility to show we don't rely solely on instinct or preservation to keep going. Also have to admit that the CGI for Two-Face's make up was much better than Joel Schumacher's version with Tommy Lee Jones, which he still did a very good job, but let's face it the makeup was so cheesy. In the Dark Knight Harvey Dent was made to be the new hero, but I have to admit at the end I felt very bad for how things played out for him, it just goes to show that certain circumstances make people choose how to live whether good or bad based on what happens to them. not necessarily everyone chooses bad when something bad happens but it does affect them later on. I have seen some posts on yahoo about the movie most were very positive I have only saw one that was negative, so of course I read it, which stated the movie was so confusing that had trouble keeping up with it didn't know whether it was action or drama stuff like that, well sequels usually turn out to be more expensive and more storyline and more action because it's a sequel! I guess some us have ADD syndrome which (I am not bashing anyone who does just the people who don't have the patience for a good movie) either don't have the IQ to understand the plot of the movie should not post a bad grade about something, here's what I have to say to somebody who criticizes a movie, if you don't like it how it was done, find some investors and make your own! Otherwise leave it up to the people who actually get paid to write reviews. I have also read that some people didn't prefer Heath Ledger's performance and are GLAD he can't do another one, I consider that disrespectful for someone who passed away and can't defend themselves. Overall the ending was not what I expected but it was new twist to put on the Batman mythology for the movies and since weekend it opened it made over 155 mil. more than Spider man 3 so I am sure there will be another sequel in the works in the next few years.
